In order to submit an abstract to the annual scientific conference it’s necessary to log-in the reserved area ( (ABSTRACT AND PAPERS section). Clicking on Send Abstract you can fill the requested information:

  • Title
  • Presenter and Co-authors – to view author’s names in the drop-down menu, every one must to be registered with NAME, SURNAME, e-mail and institution. Additional co-authors may be added later; the order of entry will also be the order of display.
  • Approach – applied, methodological, theoretical
  • Organized session – (if relevant) by choosing one of the options in the drop-down menu of organized sessions.
  • Regional Science theme – by choosing one of the options provided.
  • Abstract text – [min 500 – max 2500 characters] Brief description of the purpose and content of the contribution, clearly specifying
    • Objectives
    • Methodology
    • Elements of originality of the work

Download here the Template Abstract form.

In the same area you can also upload the complete paper and/or the presentation in ppt/pptx or pdf format (find a presentation model and a word template for paper‘s editing at this LINK).

If you need assistance, please write to