Plenary Sessions: AISRe Conference Milan 2022
The AISRe Conference, which will be held in Milan from 5 to 7 September 2022, offers a rich programme with over 500 contributions, distributed in organised and spontaneous Sessions, two Plenary Sessions and numerous Round Tables.
As a preview, we present some of the sessions that will feature important national and international speakers and to which others will be added.
First Plenary Session
Global Challenges and Local Responses
Chair Roberta Capello, Politecnico di Milano
- Measuring the Digital Transformation. The evolution of the digital ecosystem across countries and regions
Giuditta De Prato, JRC / B6, Seville - Inequalities and the COVID-19 pandemic in Italy
Andrea Brandolini, Banca d’Italia, Rome - Territorial Mapping of EU Funding Programmes in a period of major structural changes
Andrea Conte, JRC / B7, Seville - Regional challenges, convergence and cohesion policy
Roman Römisch, WiiW, Vienna
Lecture Pirs
Rosella Nicolini, Editor-in-Chief, Papers in Regional Science
From Social Capital to Social Network Analysis: Incorporating Networks Into Regional Analyses of Entrepreneurship
Tessa Conroy, Wisconsin University
The AISRe publishing channels (I canali editoriali AISRe)
Chair Guido Pellegrini – Sapienza University of Rome
Collana AISRe Scienze Regionali – Editor Roberta Capello
Collana AISRe E-Book – Editor Scientifico Rosanna Nisticò
DI.TE. – Dinamiche Territoriali – Editor Ezio Micelli
SR-Scienze Regionali – Italian Journal of Regional Science – Editor Laura Resmini
Second Plenary Session – Lecture SR
On the impact of working from home on cities
Jacques-François Thisse, Catholic University of Louvain
Regional science: 20 years of publications – Round table
Is it worth publishing in a national review? Comparing experiences in regional science
- Scienze Regionali (AISRe)
Laura Resmini (Editor), Marco Mariani (Editor-in-chief) - Journal of Regional Research – Investigaciones Regionales (Spanish Section of RSAI)
Vicente Royuela Mora (Editor) - Review of Regional Research (German speaking Section of RSAI)
Michaela Backman (Editor) - Romanian Journal of Regional Science (Romanian Section of RSAI)
Daniela-Luminita Constantin (Editor) - Revista Brasileira de Estudos Regionais e Urbanos / Brazilian Review of Regional Studies
Eduardo Haddad, (member of the editorial board, president RSAI)
Tavola rotonda sull’E-book AISRe
PNRR Italia. Il difficile equilibrio tra i territori
Coordinator Guido Pellegrini, Sapienza, University of Rome
- Giancarlo Corò, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice
- Marusca De Castris, Roma Tre University
- Angela Bergantino, University of Bari
- Patrizia Lattarulo, IRPET
- Salvatore Capasso, Parthenope University of Naples
- Ugo Fratesi, Polytechnic of Milan