4th AISRe Summer School
4th AISRe Summer School |
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Resilience of territories and firms: theories, measures and applications
27-30 June 2023, Palermo
University of Palermo, Palermo, Italy
Objectives and themes
Over the last decades the world has experienced several shocks of different nature, e.g., economic, pandemic, and natural, at both global and local level. These events have stressed the resilient capacities of territories and firms inducing governments to plan extraordinary actions to sustain the economy. The Summer School will focus, from both theoretical and empirical standpoint, on the concept of resilience at different scale of analysis, i.e., regional and firm-level, and exploring shocks of different nature. The goal is to provide young researchers with an overview of theories, measures and applications through a wide range of topics. These include:
- Regional-level resilience to socio-economic shocks
- Firm-level resilience to socio-economic shocks
- Regional-level resilience to environmental shocks
- Regional-level resilience to energy shock
Structure of the Program
Each topic will be developed via lectures and data analysis laboratory (using the software STATA) with the following daily timetable:
- 9.30-11.30 Lectures
- 12.00-14-00 Data analysis laboratory
- 15.30-17.30 Students’ presentations
Confirmed senior scholars with high reputation on the topics of the Summer School will deliver lectures, while experts will conduct data analysis sessions. All presentations will be in English.
- Theories and measures of regional-level resilience to socio-economic shocks: Fabio Mazzola (University of Palermo). Laboratory data analysis: Pietro Pizzuto (University of Palermo);
- Theories and measures of firm-level resilience to socio-economic shocks: Maksim Belitski (University of Reading). Laboratory data analysis: Martina Aronica (University of Palermo);
- Theories and measures of regional-level resilience to environmental shocks: Marco Modica (Gran Sasso Science Institute). Laboratory data analysis: Laura Ciucci (Gran Sasso Science Institute);
- Theories and measures of regional-level resilience to energy shock: Alessandro Sapio (University of Naples “Parthenope”). Laboratory data analysis: Rita De Siano (University of Naples “Parthenope”).
Local Organizing Committee
Davide Piacentino (Coordinator), University of Palermo; Fabio Mazzola, University of Palermo; Vincenzo Provenzano, University of Palermo; Pietro Pizzuto, University of Palermo; Martina Aronica, University of Palermo.
Scientific Committee
Domenico Scalera (Università del Sannio); Camilla Lenzi (Politecnico di Milano); Augusto Cerqua (Università di Roma Sapienza); Maria Rosaria Agostino (Università della Calabria); Cristina Bernini (Università di Bologna); Roberta Capello (Politecnico di Milano); Cristina Brasili (Università di Bologna); Marusca De Castris (Università degli Studi Roma Tre); Silvia Emili (Università di Bologna); Valeria Fedeli (Politecnico di Milano); Marco Mariani (IRPET); Ilaria Mariotti (Politecnico di Milano); Marco Modica (GSSI); Davide Piacentino (Università di Palermo); Elena Ragazzi (IRCrES – CNR); Laura Resmini (Università di Milano Bicocca); Daniela Storti (CREA); Fabio Mazzola (Università di Palermo); Vincenzo Provenzano (Università di Palermo); Pietro Pizzuto (Università di Palermo); Martina Aronica (Università di Palermo).
How to participate
Postgraduate students and early career researchers with less than 5 years of postdoctoral experience, from universities and research centres can apply to this call. Candidates must send their CV (Europass format, maximum 5 pages), an abstract of a research project/paper on which they are currently working (maximum 2,000 words) and a reference letter. The selection committee will evaluate the applications based on the documentation submitted.
Candidates have to send application by 24 March 2023, to the following email address: summerschool@aisre.it. In the object of the email, please specify “NAME OF THE CANDIDATE – Application to the AISRe summer school”. For further information you can contact Prof. Davide Piacentino davide.piacentino@unipa.it.
A maximum of 30 candidates will be selected for participation, and they will receive an email notification by 2 April 2023.
The participation fee is 120 euros, reduced to 80 euros for young researchers (aged under 35 years, doctoral students and post-doc researchers). Coffee breaks and lunches are included in the participation fee.
Participants are required to be individual members of AISRe. Individual membership has a cost of 130 Euros, reduced to 65 Euros for young researchers (aged under 35 years, doctoral students and post-doc researchers). AISRe membership also includes:
- a subscription to Scienze Regionali (Italian Journal of Regional Science) for the following calendar year (https://www.mulino.it/riviste/issn/1720-3929);
- the volumes of the Regional Science Series (FrancoAngeli) published during the business year;
- the registration to the Regional Science Association International (RSAI), which includes an online subscription to the journals Papers in Regional Science and Regional Science Policy & Practice for the following calendar year;
- the opportunity to pay a reduced fee at the annual conferences of the international associations: European Regional Science Association (ERSA) (www.ersa.org) and Regional Science Association International (RSAI) (https://regionalscience.org/).
At the end of the event, those who will have attended all the days of the summer school will receive a certificate of attendance.