Politecnico di Milano – ABC Department
Politecnico di Milano – DABC – Dipartimento di Architettura, Ambiente Costruito e Ingegneria delle Costruzioni
Representative person
Prof. Ugo Fratesi
Building 5 “A. Danusso”
P.zza Leonardo da Vinci 32 – 20133 Milano
Contact Person
Prof. Giovanni Perucca
The research interests of the group in regional and urban economics at the Department of Architecture, Built Environment and Construction Engineering (DABC) mainly focus on the territorial dimension of the economy. The research activity is both theoretical and empirical, with a strong orientation towards the policy implications of the concepts conceived and empirically tested.
The international reputation derives from a long stream of research on regional and urban issues on the following themes: regional and urban development, measurement of disparities and regional policies; new organizational models of urban systems (“city networks”); the impact of tangible and intangible assets such as culture and identity on regional and urban development; industrial innovation and “innovative environments”; and economic analysis of innovation diffusion processes, dynamic modeling of regional development.
The Department is active in international and national research projects (ESPON, Horizon 2020, PRIN, etc.) and has published a large number of papers in international journals, as well as textbooks on regional economics and urban economics. The research group is particularly active in the international scientific community and has held various institutional roles. Finally, the group includes chief editors and editors of both national and international scientific journals.