AIS – Associazione Italiana di Sociologia Sezione Territorio
AIS – Associazione Italiana di Sociologia Sezione Territorio
(Italian Association of Sociology Territory Section)
Representative Person
Prof. Giampaolo Nuvolati
Università di Milano-Bicocca, Coordinator of the AIS Territory Section
Via Bicocca degli Arcimboldi, 8 – 20126 Milan
Contact person
Dr. Sara Spanu, Università di Sassari, Secretary of the AIS Territory Section
Founded in 1982, AIS is the biggest and oldest sociological scientific society in Italy, where sociologists from all specialties and theoretical and methodological perspectives are welcome.
Through its Research Networks, AIS promotes sociological knowledge applied to communities, their political, social and cultural institutions as well as the improvement of public policies and the quality of life of citizens.
In order to pursue these aims from an environmental and territorial perspective, the Territory Research Network is focused on investigating the transformations of the urban and rural world, the new forms of development, impoverishment and social exclusion, the urban governance, the local and global migratory movements, the climate change, the tourism trends and leisure.